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Big Fig Mattress Review: How it’s helping me with my PCOS

Good Morning Loves!!!! So I don’t want to waste any time telling you about what this blog post will be about: BIG FiG MATTRESS. Now you may be wondering why is it called Big Fig, well…simply it is the first mattress to truly be designated to individuals with larger frames “A Mattress for a Bigger Figure”. Existing as a plus-size woman and then also existing with PCOS, sleep is one of those situations that sometimes I get it, and then other nights I truly don’t. As we all know sleep is very important to the body PERIOD as it helps with cognitive function, healing of the body for restoration of cells, and quality of health.

Unfortunately, if you have PCOS, than its probably of no surprise that you are experiencing or have experienced trouble sleeping. A large part of it has to do with the varying hormonal imbalance most cystas face but the other part I’ve discovered is the sleep environment and a proper supporting bed. I was interested in checking out Big Fig simply because it was being advertised as a mattress for bigger frames and well 80% of all women with PCOS are considered overweight or clinically obese ( I know it’s a sad reality). After doing much research, I knew the current bed I was on, wasn’t conducive to my sleep habits, I suffered from insomnia at least 3 times a week minimum. I would be a complete zombie at work and it was impacting the quality and performance I was known to have in my role at the office.

Big Fig is a hit for me and my little furry one Dakota

I ordered my bed and I will be honest, the first night was difficult to sleep because my body almost went into shock it seems LOL. It was such a different construction from the bed I had been sleeping on for 7 years, that my body didn’t know what was happening. However, by night 2, I was snoring with the best of them along with my dog. To myself I thought, ‘this is just a fluke….I’ll be back on my insomnia by tomorrow’, but surprisingly, I slept almost a full two weeks before I had an episode of a sleepless night. Again, as mentioned earlier, the other caveat to PCOS sleep disturbances is hormonal imbalance, so I knew that I would have a few episodes here and there simply because you just never know when the hormonal beast will show her ugly head. I was impressed though, that even after this first initial two weeks, my sleep patterns had become more normal than they had been in the past year.

So what’s the BIG difference you may ask. Well, I definitely went to the Big Fig website to read about what qualities separate their mattress from the competition. Here’s what I found:

Having PCOS and truly needing proper rest to combat comorbidities that come with me having both PCOS and not Diabetes, a well made mattress is necessary along with proper nutrition and supplementation. If you are a cysta you can’t take lightly your need to rest. With symptoms such as chronic fatigue, the rest portion is so essential for making throughout the day. These past 8 weeks I’ve managed to get to the gym and work regularly without calling out due to mere exhaustion, I have felt the best I have felt in a long time.

Definitely don’t glaze over these qualities I’ve detailed out here! I personally upon first glance didn’t get how the construction of this mattress would be a life changer, but these past 2 months, I can honestly say that its been the best sleep I’ve had in over a year. I definitely was impressed by Big Fig and I would recommend them any and every day for the best rest. If you order today, you can save $200 on your purchase no matter the mattress size. Trust me you won’t regret it

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