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Watch The Throne: Catching Up With Capricia Butler

Hello Lovelies,

As we descend upon the 2018 Ms. Full Figured USA Pageant occurring this Saturday, April 28th in New Jersey, I decided to take some time to chat and learn more about one of the DMV’s very own queens Ms. Capricia (known as Capri by most) Butler. Mommy, Real Estate Mogul, Philanthropist, Pageant Queen, and Curvy Model; is there anything Ms. Butler isn’t killing these days? I think not! However, there is much more to this beauty than meets the eye, and today on the blog, I decided to give you a peak into what makes Capri so magnificently beautiful.

1. What motivated you to pursue the world of pageantry?

Oddly enough, I entered the world of pageantry through modeling. My daughter and I were trained by MD Fashion weeks co-creator Theresa Dyer, and after a few shows, I met Monica Day who told me about the Ms. Plus America Pageant. After a few conversations, I entered, and was crowned Ms. Virginia Plus America 2016 and placed 3rd in their National Pageant.  After that experience, I was hooked and wanted to find a system closer to home where I could have a larger impact.  I then learned about the Ms. Full-Figure USA (United Sisterhood of America) Pageant and it was just my luck that they were hosting their first ever DMV pageant in 2017. I competed and won the Ms. Swimwear Crown and placed as 1st runner-up over all.

2. What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome thus far in life?

That’s a hard question. What I define as a challenge varies. I could say that battling and beating cancer 3 times (thyroid twice and breast once) was my greatest feat.  That or jumping back into school full-time, reaching honor student status all while working full-time and raising my daughter. That was my huge challenge.  However, to be honest, is neither of these. God gave me the strength and will to do both.  My biggest challenge has been living without my Grandma Butler.  I was grandma’s baby and not being able to share my growth, my success, my life with her has hurt every day for the last two years.

3. What is one accomplishment you are proud of?

Okay I have two. The first is a huge accomplishment for me.  I have learned that I do not always have to tell someone they are wrong or have been wrong. I can simply cut ties and remove myself from the situation. The other is a bit more serious and was intense.  I learned to love me, as I am, imperfectly perfect and all. My body changed after my thyroid cancer. I gained weight that wouldn’t come off,  then my skin changed. My entire body went through its own transformation and I had no control over it.  After years of blood draws, ultrasounds, medication changes and doctor visits, meditation, prayer, and reflection; it clicked. I am who I am and that is enough.

4. What is one piece of advice you would give any woman wanting to enter the pageant world?

To ask themselves why they are seeking a crown.  Crowns are pretty but there is purpose, the Queen looks after her people, she does what is best for them, she lifts them up. And if this is not your motive them you’re not right for the crown.  If you have a servant’s heart the second step is not to compare yourself to others.  You are perfect in your own right, embrace it and let it shine through.

5. What are you afraid of, if anything?

I am most afraid of not making an impact, not helping our young girls know their worth. This is my divine purpose and I don’t want to get so caught up in the world that I miss this opportunity.

6. What is one message you’d tell young girls about having self-confidence?

You will not be confident every day; we all have insecurities, and that’s okay. In those moments speak life into yourself, have positive affirmations, or have a positive friend to remind you how great you are.  I have to remind myself that I am imperfectly perfect, not meant to fit in. And that’s okay.

7. Who inspires you and why?

Queen Latifa has always inspired me.  Younger watching her on the screen she was strong, she accepted nothing less than your respect, remember Ladies First or U.N.I.T.Y?  She used her natural talent to breath life into a generation.  Listening to her opened my mind to endless possibilities and started the flame in me to assist our young ladies.

8.What is one goal that you’re working towards this year?

I am excited to say I am developing my non-profit.  This program will benefit and help all females find their inner voice and inner strength. This free program will be centered around self-love, self-acceptance and empowerment.

9. What is your current profession?

I wear many hats; Realtor, Assistant Property Manager, Model (print and runway) and budding entrepreneur.

10. What are your hobbies?

I love to walk, well when the weathers nice.  I enjoy reading, all kinds of genres. Its exciting when I explore new areas or visit show homes with my daughter.   Its like a temporary vacation from the everyday stressors.

11. What is one characteristic about you most people don’t know?

I can be very emotional.  I mean emotional like crying at break-ups in movies. Have you watched the Notebook???

12. What are your thoughts regarding the way plus size women are portrayed in the media today? Positive and Negative?

It is exciting to see more women that look like me. Darker skin, curvier hips. BUT we are not painted as the goddesses we are. Rarely is the full-size DIVA the leading character and if we are, we have an identity complex  or image issues. They make the fuller woman the butt of all her smaller girlfriends jokes.  On “The Real” the plus size host body is hidden by the other co-host, and she is the only one in pants in most of the photos.  To me, this is an indirect shaming of different body types is very similar to bullying and should not be tolerated.


To find out more about Capri and her journey to the crown, follow her on instagram @ms_capri or on facebook @Ms.CapriPageantQueen.  You can also see exclusive behind the scenes footage this weekend on the @msfullfigureddmvpageant instagram page.


With Love,


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