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It's November 1st: Fitness Challenge Two Begins

Good Morning Loves!!!

So October has now come to a close and it is time for another challenge. Last Month the challenge was to try and go to the gym 5 days a week….. and although I wasn’t perfect. I will say for half the month I went 5 days and the second half on average 3 to 4 days once I git busy. As you see there is a slight difference from that work. This month I want to step it up another notch and add doing 100 planks and 100 push-ups a week. Now I know that seems simple enough, because you can do between 10 to 15 a day, but for someone like me who hates both of those exercises…… it will be a challenge. I also have learned setting small realistic goals in fitness will increase your success. Today, I have already completed my 20 push-ups, and have planks left. My goal at the end of the month is to see if there will be an increase in my upper body strength (my ultimate area of weaknesses).

As for the planks, it has often been stated that this is one of the best exercises for the midsection….. which for me is my trouble area. I wanted to add this challenge to see if I begin to see a small difference in  that area. I am really excited about this challenge as these small changes are keeping me motivated. I hope you guys join me!!!!  After all who doesn’t want to look great before Thanksgiving?#HappyGymming 



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