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September Is (PCOS) Awareness Month

Good Evening Loves,

It is midnight and the beginning of PCOS Awareness month. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an incurable condition that impacts 20% of women worldwide and that percentage is steadily growing. PCOS is an endocrine disorder that impacts the metabolic function within women once they reach puberty. As a sufferer of PCOS, my goal this month is to post tools and education all month long to educate my followers, and help bring awareness.

My picture above represents me finally reaching a place of satisfaction with self. One thing that is unique about PCOS is that belly fat is a “known characteristic” due to impaired insulin activity. Not every woman suffers from it, but I most certainly have the “PCOS Belly” along with insulin resistence/pre-diabetes. Depression used to overcome me because no woman wants belly fat;especially when it is beyond your complete control. When people would always suggest diet and exercise soley, without understanding the hormonal implications I dealt with, I grew continuously frustrated.

No one understood that I eat healthier than most people around me, I was a collegiate athlete (Went to The University of Alabama on a full Athletic Scholatship) and I love working out. My self-esteem suffered greatly from 18-28, because I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t be normal and enjoy life. I didn’t understand why I had insomnia spells, hair loss, dry skin, and excessive pelvic pain.  I couldn’t lose 20lbs to save my life some years; than other years weight fell off, even though nothing about my eating habits had changed. Having doctors tell me I would probably need chlomid or IVF treatments to conceive. Seeing chin hair, a mustache, and chest hair sprout all over would bring me to tears. I didn’t feel like a woman many days because nothing could fully control it. Then to add 4 to 5 medications trying to normalize my system, grew tiring. Side effects were inconsistent but constantly an issue. There were moments I felt hopeless.

Slowly, with lots of prayer, and support from my loved ones; I began to build myself up. Modeling also began helping me accept that my body was made to be inspirational and strong. This platform started opening my eyes that I could be so much more. So many women with PCOS suffer silently, and once I began speaking more openly about my struggles, I received so much love from women who felt like no one understood their pain. All of these experiences made me grow within and I knew part of my mission on earth was to motivate and encourage self-love and confidence. My everlasting mission is to continue to shed light on my condition to help others look past physical appearance…because you never know the full story.

I hope that all who follow Cystum of Curves this month learn and feel more connected to the essesnce of who I am. I also encourage readers with PCOS to speak up and comment on ways you deal with your symptoms to help others in the Cysterhood. Most importantly, I hope that I help someone feel comfortable in their skin and that they become inspiried to live life on purpose. Let’s embrace the beautiful month of September!

With Love,


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