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Don’t Ignore Your Insulin Resistance!

Good Morning Loves,

As promised during this month of September, being that it is PCOS Awareness Month, I am going to shed light on things that I think are taken for granted with health and wellness. One of these diagnosis areas is Insulin Resistance.  What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin Resistance occurs when excess glucose in the blood reduces the ability of the cells to absorb and use blood sugar for energy. This increases the risk of developing prediabetes, and eventually, type 2 diabetes.  Yes I had to bold diabetes because this is the situation that many ignore when they hear insulin resistance. I’ve spoken to soooo many women who are like “Oh I’m insulin resistant, but not diabetic so I’m cool” and that is such a tragic mindset to have as a woman with PCOS, because I am the 25% that got Diabetes.

Sadly, when I was first told I was insulin resistant, I understood what it meant, but not fully that it truly required more than metformin and birth control pills.  Honestly, I did not advocate for myself in the same way that I do now, I just merely took whatever the doctor told me as fact and took whatever medication concoction they threw at me, which was my number one mistake.  Why you may ask? Well it was because my diagnosis came from my gynecologist, who doesn’t specialize in the metabolic condition and didn’t give me detail on who I needed to speak to, to find out more, which would’ve been an endocrinologist. However, now that I am seasoned in my health journey, I know not just seek any random endocrinologist, but one that specializes in hormonal disorders like PCOS and metabolic syndrome along with advanced experience with diabetes maintenance.  

I’ll be frank and say insulin resistance really is prediabetes sis,  DO NOT TAKE THAT LIGHTLY. I’ll also be frank and say METFORMIN ALONE WILL NOT RID INSULIN RESISTANCE NOR WILL IT PREVENT DIABETES FROM ON-SETTING.  Let me be clear on that for all of my cysters, you have to take immediate action to improve your health and your nutrition. Do not think that just because you are taking metformin you are home free. In all reality, finding the right endocrine, they will tell you that you need to be on drugs that help metabolize sugar out of the blood almost if you were diabetic until you reach a healthy weight and a normalized blood sugar range.  

Since being diagnosed as a diabetic, my last 15 months have been a whirlwind of  medication trial and errors, changing of doctors, and more so relearning my body and what triggers it and what doesn’t.  I never wanted to be a diabetic but now that I got past the shock and horror of that stigma because let’s face it, being plus-size naturally comes with judgement in the areas of health, fitness, and self-care. I had to take action over my life. I have managed to keep off successfully this year 22 -25lbs, now to some, that may not seem like alot, but for someone with PCOS it shows promise to a better tomorrow for my hormones and my fight against PCOS/Diabetes.  I am far from done though because my goal is to reach a place of medication freedom and being able to say I am healthy and raising kids while having a healthy body.  Now where would I be without giving you tips on combating Insulin  Resistance, here are steps I’ve taken below to begin seeing significant changes in my health results:

Eat less meat! No this does not mean be vegan or a vegetarian if that is not your desire, but it does mean limiting the heaving reliance on meat in your diet constantly.  I currently pick a day  a week where I am meat free to keep my system balanced.

DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!!!!  In fact do not miss meals period. It keeps your blood   sugar unstable and sends your body into havoc. Wake up ready to eat something   and go to bed with something. Do not think skipping meals will help rid you of   your  diagnosis. Biggest mistake ever. 

 High Fiber and very smart fruit intake. So one of the misconceptions about diabetes  and insulin resistance is you can’t have fruit. Not so! Just be smart in your choices   and eat them early in the day so they can be burned off. I try hard not to eat any fruit or sweets too late in the day.

No ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS PERIOD.  THEY are processed and tend to have trace      sugars that wreck havoc on the body. You are better off eating real sugar and real      food than anything processed. Natural Sweetners such as Agave, Honey, Brown Sugar etc are so much better than any splenda could ever be. 

Limit Dairy Consumption!  I don’t know what it is about cow milk but it doesn’t do    well for me in my insulin woes. If milk or cheese is desired, make sure it is low fat.

Add vitamins/minerals/supplements in your diet that are known blood sugar              reducers.  Green tea, cinnamon, tumeric, DChiro Inositol, Myoinositol, Vitamin D, Aloe Vera, Chromium, and MCT Oil to name a few are targeted blood sugar  stabilizers  and it’s going to be important for you to ensure that you also set up a natural way to combat your sugar levels.  I am a firm believer that you shouldn’t expect medicine to do everything for you, but you have to retrain your body to aide in its healing. 

I hope that this helps some of you. If not well it definitely helped me.  I don’t want anyone becoming diabetic. As a melanated woman, I’m tired of our health outcomes, so if I can change or help just one person live a better life, I feel accomplished. Until next time.

With Love,



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