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New Year, Same Me, No Needles: Time to Transform

Hello World!

With the new year brings the entire new twelve months to make some needed changes from the previous years revelations. For many there are financial goals, business goals, spiritual goals, and of course the infamous new fitness goals. Well truth be told, this year I have to say I am joining the new fitness goals regime. Last year was the biggest turning point in my health, finally becoming diabetic. Although many don’t know this, I have feared diabetes for the past 10 years because it was one disease that I knew killed a few family members. The other reason I feared it so much is because my needle phobia is real. I remember watching people in my previous medical jobs inject themselves with insulin, checking their blood sugar, and injecting other drugs. In my head, I always said to myself “This will never be my life” and “I will never become diabetic”. For about 8 years, I would say I did just enough to stay within prediabetic range with my PCOS, which was scary but still ‘wasn’t diabetes’ so I didn’t fear for ever getting it.

Me last April 40 pounds Smaller

That all changed last May when I finally went to the doctor trying to figure out why I was shedding 10 to 16 pounds a week, couldn’t stop going to the restroom, couldn’t sleep so I was a walking zombie every day….only to be told “you are diabetic”. Right then my biggest fear had become my new normal. Here comes the needles and the poking and the anxiety. Those who were close to me witnessed many breakdowns as I struggled (and still somewhat struggle) to give my body the medicine it needs to lower and maintain my blood sugar. Shortly after that, I felt my body slowly change in ways it hadn’t in the past. The tingly feet and hands, the thinning hair, and more damaging, the constant weight gain after getting on medication was enough to sadden anyone. I felt like a lab rat!!! Adjusting medications, deleting this one, adding that one. However, one thing still remained NEEDLES. I couldn’t believe that I actually had to do this every single day and inject myself every week.

My Weekly Injection 🙁

I had to pray before, during, and talk to God right after every injection. The good news is that my H1aC came all the way down from 13.68 to 5.7 in the first 8 months!!!! So I was finally stable enough to not need any new medications. Now it was time to really face the reality that I have to commit to a lifestyle change or die. Yes DIE! That sounds dramatic but in reality Diabetes is a silent killer if you do not do what is necessary to control the disease. In years prior I always went about my fitness journey alone, but realized that I can’t risk trying that method again. Also I can’t support diet culture because of my PCOS so I needed to be in a space of authentic support from real women with real bodies like myself who aren’t just looking to do a fad diet or turn to tummy teas. So instead, I started a facebook group called Plushie to Fit (it is open to everyone) to create a space to draw motivation and inspiration from others to stay the course. My first course of action is to workout daily for 100 days, to build a habit, inspired by my blogger sis @darkerberrie on instagram. I know that this road will not be easy but if I don’t do it now, I may not live to see old age. I want to be needle free before 40. So if you are reading this, join me, cheer me on, push me to the top!!!! Let’s just get healthier together and help me be Needle Free and Beat Diabetes.

Here is to a Productive 2019!

I have also created a new instagram account to document my journey as well called @plushietofit that will host my recipe pictures, daily routines, and fitness motivation photos. I hope to gain your support and encouragement.

With Love,


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