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A Cysta Joins PCOSAA in a Major Way

Good Day Lovelies,


I am sooo excited to announce today that I am officially an Ambassador for the PCOS Awareness Association, which is the Leading Nonprofit in America to truly spread awareness about the growing health risks associated with this disease.  I know so many people want to call it a syndrome or disorder but I honestly consider it a disease because it’s lifelong, and you can never pinpoint when certain symptoms will flare up.  I have spoken on it openly before, but a large part of why I am now diabetic is because of PCOS and the fact my body doesn’t know how to use it’s insulin.  So many people would readily assume that my weight caused it, but honestly aside from my genetics (My dad, grandmother, and great-grandfather all were diabetics), being insulin resistant and not knowing how PCOS truly impacted every part of my body is to blame.  However, becoming a voice within PCOSAA and truly helping not only others, but myself in navigating this illness is what I am most excited about.  These days, although I am fully confident in this body I have, my overall arching goal is to live a life centered on wellness and being healthy.  I will never say that being of size makes you unhealthy, I know plenty men and women who are perfectly healthy that will never be thin, but what I will say is now that I am suffering with diabetes and PCOS that my focus is on being better and overcoming illness.  I may never fully overcome any of it, but I will never stop attempting and advocating for my health.  As an ambassador my main goal is to help women achieve confidence while going through the stages and severity of PCOS.  PCOS is not only the number one reason for infertility, it also leads to ovarian and endometrial cancer, stroke, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and congestive heart failure and many more.  What many fail to realize, is much like Lupus, PCOS impacts the ENTIRE body and every organ because it is an attack of your endocrine system, which is the control center that dictates how many organs function within our bodies. Now that I’m on board, get ready to see me more often out on the town with events, promotions, videos, fashion, and of course education and motivation on how to conquer your day to day in a slayful way with PCOS! I am so thankful to @girlfriendsintheburbs (make sure to follow them on instagram) for hosting this event and making this interaction possible.

It was such an honor meeting and connecting with Megan Stewart, Founder of PCOSAA, and listening to her story and journey through becoming the biggest advocate for PCOS.  It feels amazing to team up with someone who is equally on fire to help women all around the world beat PCOS!!! I couldn’t be more thrilled, so stay tuned cystas!!!!


With Love,



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