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Dare To Bare: Body Full Of Beauty

Good Evening Loves,

So this year for me has been a rather interesting one when it comes to accepting the many changes that life can throw at you. I started the year declaring my focus on reclaiming my time in the area of reestablishing my love and full care of self. It came from a place of feeling drained and overall dejected because I had overly consumed myself with any and everyone else’s needs, wants, desires and dreams. I had fallen off with myself, stopped being consistent in managing my PCOS, and overall grew stagnant in truly channeling my inner workings to produce the best of myself.

However, God works in not just mysterious but miraculous ways. I wrote my self care on January first and had no idea that God would set my life up to to prioritize myself! Being diagnosed with Diabetes changed my life completely in 2018. My self care regimen shifted, my tolerance for putting everyone before myself subsided immediately. Ironically, my insecurities with my body began to subside as well. I don’t know if it was the revelation of how precious life, time, and creating experiences are or if I took on a new philosophy of just appreciating the now, but either way I embraced me in a new light.

In 2017, it was the first time in my 32 years of living where I was finally okay with everything I was and everything I wasn’t. In 2018, however, I am fearless with all things concerning my body. With that said, all items of clothing I felt “too fat” to wear, I’m now at a place of comfort experimenting with. Starting with crop tops. My belly has always been a place of contention in my life. I always wished to be the plus-size woman with the flatter stomach and coke bottle frame. Unfortunately, that wasn’t my genetics. Add PCOS, and you’re really just in for a battle of the bulge. Yet here I am proud and unapologetic about giving the world something bellyful.

featured here is one of my new favorite tops by Lorenza James which you can shop by clicking on the link. It was my first of many breakthroughs showing skin and feeling freedom as the sun danced on my exposed flesh!!!! Stay tuned for more looks that dare to bare!!!!

With Love,


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