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2018 (Week 4): Never Go On Clearance

Good Morning Lovelies,

In the continuation of my mission of Self-Love and Appreciation all year long, in week 4, I decided to add to that mission the ideal to “Never Go On Clearance”.  What does that mean you wonder?  Well simply put, never allow yourself to be discounted to meet the needs, opinions, and displaced self agony of another individual. Don’t diminish your greatness for anyone.  As a single, ever-changing, woman seeking power and influence, sometimes I feel that my quest to illuminate the world pushes people away from me.

Many years I decided to dim myself to make others comfortable, even though I felt overshadowed and disregarded by the same people I compromised myself for.  Well this year, I decided that practice of compromising was symbolic to placing myself on the clearance rack.  I was basically saying that I don’t need to operate at my full worth or potential, that I should be discounted to make others around me feel comfortable.  I did this to maintain companionship, intimate relationships, friendships, and certain comforts in my career because I was intimidated by my own potential to shine (whew what a bad place to be in!). I felt like if I used my complete intellect, creativity, or was too driven, I’d end up lonely.  I dummied myself down around others to not be perceived as trying to appear above anyone around me.  I tried to define it as staying humble.

However, what I learned about being humble is that it doesn’t mean not to shine as bright as you are intended to, it is more about not forcing your light upon others for self-gratification.  Maintaining a sense of humility and being humble simply means just let your greatness shine without your mouth having to do the convincing.  Humbleness is not synonymous to dimming yourself.  It is not kin to discounting who God designed you to be in the earth or of any direct correlation to existing beneath your greatness. Your inner gifts were given to you in order to be magnified to their utmost potential.  God never intended for any of his children not to sparkle  like the stars in the heavens when operating in their calling.

I realized late last year that I had to stop self-deprecating who I was to make everyone else comfortable; I had to stop placing myself on clearance.  I had to quit allowing myself to operate in only part of my gifts and talents due to fear of walking through life alone and possibly misunderstood.  I had to reach a place of faith in God so that I understood that it didn’t matter who I may lose because He will supply the right people, at the right time, presenting the right opportunity for my development and growth.  With all my friends getting married left and right, I had to let go of trying to emulate them, thinking I would attract my mate and trust that God’s timing for my life is perfect.  I no longer could allow my soul to be exposed to men that couldn’t feed it with the proper nourishment to maintain its health; I had to kill off unhealthy soul ties. I had to allow relationships that didn’t serve any positive impact in my life trickle away and let a new environment develop. Simply  put, I had to take myself off clearance. I’m worth my full price.

You are  worth your full price.  You are worth everything you were created to be.  The right tribe of individuals will not want you to ever lessen yourself to fit their needs.  The right man or woman for you, will never starve your soul or not assist you in shining as brightly as you are.  Never Go On Clearance.

I hope this inspires you ALL of 2018.

With Love,


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